Online Past Life Regression

Supporting Women on their Journey to self discovery and change.

What is Online Past life Regression?

I use Hypnosis to support you to recover memories of your past lives, which can help you to understand yourself in this life. It is based on the theory that the way we react and respond to situations and problems can be linked to the past.

Past life regression works not just on the mind and body but also on your emotional and spiritual self and will support you to release and heal what no longer serves you from past lives.

Is Online Past life Regression Effective?

Yes is the answer. The process of past life regression relies on the power of guided visualisation and the connection between you and the practitioner, which remains just as strong in an online setting. Whether you’re seeking to understand your soul’s journey, heal past traumas, or gain personal insights, online sessions provide the same depth and effectiveness.

Embrace the convenience and flexibility of online past life regression and embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing without the need to travel or rearrange your busy life.

What happens during an online Past Life Regression session?

I will arrange a time and date for your session where we will meet on teams.

I will ask you to lay down in a quite comfortable space, with your phone, tablet or laptop positioned so we can see and hear each other.

I will then guide you into a deep sense of relaxation. I will then work with your subconscious mind to take you back to a time which we need to go back to. I will then communicate with you and your subconscious to tell me what it is you are seeing, hearing and feeling, if healing is needed we will carry out this out.

At the end of the session we will discuss your experience.


A free consultation will take place before you book, this will be carried out on line or via the telephone.

The Past Life Regression session will then be booked, the session will be carried out online via Teams and will take between 1.5 & 2hrs in duration this will include a debrief afterwards. A free recording of the session is included. Investment £90, which is payable at the time of booking.

(c) copyright Halo & Wings Holistic & Training Centre- 2021